Stop Making Marriage So Hard.

light bulb illustration from the marriage book, Hey, I Love You… by author Kelly Sopp

Seriously, stop it. Stop tiptoeing around for days not speaking to one another. Stop harboring resentment. Stop burying your feelings. Stop dwelling on the past and dosing out passive aggressive revenge. Stop justifying why you are right and consider why you might have cause to apologize. Please, hear me when I tell you that you’ve already wasted too much time living in disappointment when you could be experiencing bliss. You want to know how couples find Happily Ever After? By creating it. And it’s far easier than you think. 

I spent the first twenty four years of my marriage making the same mistakes again and again. Same argument, same lack of empathy, different spoiled weekend. I can’t even remember what our misgivings were about, honestly. But I often found us on relationship autopilot, and I could feel our spark plugs starting to sputter and wear out. Until one revelatory day, when I finally understood. It’s simply about sharing.

Not only can communicating be incredibly simple, it can be wildly fun! 

Just think about it. If you share your feelings with your spouse, they have the opportunity to listen and empathize. If you share words of encouragement with your spouse, they’ll find it easier to be brave. If you share your struggles, your spouse can lend you support. If you share your truth, your partner can finally understand. And you know what happens when you share your regrets? Your partner can choose to forgive. Sharing is simply communicating. The more you do it, the more closely connected your souls become. And not only can communicating be incredibly simple, it can be wildly fun! 

When I wrote Hey, I Love You… I wanted to remove all the difficulties of communication by giving you the right words to express yourself as well as a playful way to deliver them. It’s as easy as bookmarking a page, then leaving the book someplace fun for your spouse to discover. Like on top of their favorite coffee mug. Or, hiding in their sock drawer. There are five sections in the book to help you navigate it all: Romance, Encouragement, Tough Times, Disagreements and Apologies. Within those sections, there are words for just about everything. By sending your message with a bookmark, it takes the pressure off your partner and lets them receive your message and reciprocate when they’re ready. 

Wishing you could spark things up? Bookmark the Kiss Me page, and wait to see what happens. Concerned about your partner’s wellbeing? Bookmark the I’m Worried About You page and invite your partner to share what’s on their mind. Hurt feelings? Bookmark the Ouch, I Could Really Use an Apology page and help yourselves get past your disagreement and move on to constructive conversation. Each time you use the book, it allows you to heal and grow closer. And it’s that deeper connection which allows you to create a more remarkable marriage.

Kelly Sopp

Kelly Sopp is the author of Hey, I Love You… the book that offers couples practical marriage wisdom and an effortless way to exchange heartfelt words that need to be said, or unsaid, or aren’t said often enough. To learn more, visit


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